Hello, VideoRay

Autopilots Overview

Your vehicle system provides several autopilots to make the system easier and more effective to operate. Autopilots are single degree of freedom controllers that control a single motion of the vehicle. Autopilots can be enabled or disabled as required. All autopilots are single-input-single-output controllers meaning they use the feedback from a single state of the system to control the thruster outputs required to achieve the desired state of that state.

Your autopilot controls are implemented through classic controllers and are designed carefully to provide wide bandwidth operation. This means that the controllers should provide satisfactory performance under a very wide set of operating conditions and not require tuning or reconfiguration if system characteristics such as buoyancy, payload, and manipulator position change.

Greensea has carefully designed the interface of each autopilot to provide the operator a flexible and intuitive tool for vehicle positioning. The following table lists the autopilots within your vehicle, their controlled degree of freedom (DOF), and their interfaces.




Joystick Function

Other Controls


Heading (PSI)

openINS heading

Adjusts setpoint

Incremental jog

Direct input


Depth (Z)

openINS depth

Adjusts setpoint

Incremental jog

Direct input


Altitude (Z-Ref)

openINS altitude

Adjusts setpoint

Incremental jog

Direct input

Station Keeping

Lateral position (X, Y)

openINS position

Disables autopilot

Incremental jog

"GoTo Position"


Lateral velocity (Xdot, Ydot)

openINS velocities

Sums setpoint

Incremental jog


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