All commands are from the Konsole, which you can start by pressing Alt-F2 and typing "Konsole" followed by enter
1) Mount repository network drive
cd bin
(enter network drive password when prompted)
3) Navigate to the directory where you will create this project
cd ~/development
2) Find the program of interest in the repository
(Linux has a very useful shortcut for recalling commands - press the up arrow to start with a past command and edit from there)
svn ls file:///mnt/gssrepos/repos
(scroll through the list until you find the project you want to run and replace project_name below with that project)
svn ls file:///mnt/gssrepos/repos/project_name
(you should see branches/ tags/ trunk)
svn ls file:///mnt/gssrepos/repository/project_name/branches
(you should see project_name_wc)
svn ls file:///mnt/gssrepos/repos/project_name/branches/project_name_wc
(you should see a list of files and directories)
3) Check the program out of the repository
svn co file:///mnt/gssrepos/repos/project_name/branches/project_name_wc
4) Go to the directory where the program is located
cd project_name_wc
5) Determine which type of build environment is required
(look one of the following files:
CMakeLists.txt - build with cmake
Makefile - if a user interface build with qmake
If you are unsure, you could try either option or ask for help)
6) Build with cmake
make clean
make -j2 (or replace 2 with the number of processing cores on your computer)
7) Build with qmake
(if qmake gives as error WARNING:Failure to find: revision.h try running ./ then repeat qmake)
make clean
make -j2 ( or replace 2 with the number of processing cores on your computer)
8) Run the program
(you should see a file in green with a name that is probably similar to project_name)
./green_file (where green_file is the name of the program from the step above)