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Balefire Basic

Balefire Basic

Map Tools Menu

The navigation tools menu contains eight tabs used to place markers, log data, and define important navigational settings. The tabs contain specific details for Waypoints, Map Configuration, Markers, Man Overboard (MOB) markers, Logging, Playback, Mission and Position/Declination. The Map Tools also provide display settings for the Map View.



Selecting Pan from the top right HUD allows the operator to pan the grid view. This feature will allow for the vehicle to be panned off the screen if the Center On option is not selected.

Center On

The Center On button keeps the selected vehicle, ROV or ship, in view. If the vehicle moves off the visible screen area, clicking Center On will focus the view on the vehicle.

Clear Trail

Operators can clear the history trail of the vehicle, ship, and USBL with the Clear Trail button on the top left of the Map View. Pressing this button will clear all travel history from the map but will preserve all other elements.

The Vehicle Graphic

Heads-Up Display

The Map View Heads-Up Display (HUD) is horizontally superimposed across the four corners of the grid view. The top left HUD of the map screen shows the vehicle name and position as well as the ship's name and position. The top right HUD displays the coordinates of the mouse cursor.

The bottom left HUD shows the results of the status of the measure tool. Measurements can be taken at any time. Once a new measurement is taken, it will be the sole measurement displayed in the bottom left HUD.

Map View

The Map View is the display screen for the 2D chart plotting system. It provides visual display of the vehicle's position and ship's position, as well as support for charts, creating map elements, and working with the data on the map. Additionally, the Map View supports most common chart plotting functions and utilities common with other 2D chart plotting software.


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