Static Bar
The Static Bar is always visible. It displays the Navigation Bar, Status Bar, and Alarm Bar. These elements provide access to the various pages of the workspace and simple system health and status information.
Balefire Basic
The Static Bar is always visible. It displays the Navigation Bar, Status Bar, and Alarm Bar. These elements provide access to the various pages of the workspace and simple system health and status information.
The Navigation Bar is where shortcuts to Flight View, Alarm Manager, Data Plotter, Signal Mapper, and Device Diagnostics are located.
Below is a list of keyboard shortcuts to enable quick navigation throughout the workspace. To gain a better understanding of the workspace shortcuts, it is recommended that the operator spend a few moments using the shortcuts to test their functionality.
Below is a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts to enable quick navigation throughout the workspace. To gain a better understanding of the workspace shortcuts, it is recommended that the operator spend a few moments using the shortcuts to test their functionality.
The Mission tab provides functions for saving, recalling, and managing missions.
The left side of the workspace screen lists the active channels and signals eligible for plotting. Clicking the '+' icon to the left of the channel name will expand the channel to show all its associated signals. To minimize the view, click the '-' icon visible to the left of the channel name. The channels are searchable by keyword and can be filtered by filling in the search bar above the list of data signals. To select a signal to be plotted, select the check box next to the signal name. Multiple signals can be plotted at once in a color coded fashion.
The Position/Declination tab enables operators to set the position of the vehicle manually and provides functions for adding a bias to the vehicle heading.
Markers are reference tools used to note specific locations on the map. They do not affect the vehicle's travel or the mission and do not clear with the mission.
The Map Configuration tab allows the operator to configure waypoint defaults, safety zone defaults, vehicle, topside and USBL history, underlay charts on the map, and configure the HUD.
Waypoints are special purpose markers that designate the path of the vehicle, specified by an X, Y, and Z position.