
The command is used to configure or test a module.


./ [OPTIONS] [N [N...]]

  • [Options] - See the table below
  • N - The Node ID of the module to reset and enter debug mode.

This command must be executed from the flighthack folder and requires the preceding "./"

OPTION Alternate Argument(s) Description Default
-? --help Display this help information
-c --com Com port to use dev/ttyUSB0

Power Module

  • ./ 1

Communications Module

  • ./ 2

AHRS Module

  • ./ -c vrport2 3

Thruster Module (Use the correct Node ID)

  • ./ 5

Camera Module

  • ./ -c vrport3 4

LED Module (Use the correct Node ID)

  • ./ 11

Some of the options use two dashes "--," not a long dash

MSS Defender
Operator's Manual, Version: 1.00.00
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