Updating Firmware

Firmware can be found locally in the Home/firmware/ folder. The most up-to-date firmware is available from VideoRay's FTP server. You can download the firmware to the local folder by connecting to the Internet and using the following command:

  • vr_pull_firmware.sh

To use vr_refresh on modules connected to the communications module, you need to open a virtual port and specify the port to use. See vr_create_virtport_all.sh for more information.

Example firmware update commands for different modules are shown below. In each case, X.Y.Z should be replaced by the actual version number. Each vr_refresh command should be entered on one line. Ignore any line breaks that may appear in the vr_refresh commands displayed below.

Power Module

  • vr_refresh -i 1 ~/firmware/power_converter-X.Y.Z.hex --block_size 16384

Communications Module

  • vr_refresh -i 2 ~/firmware/comms_hub-X.Y.Z.hex --block_size 16384

AHRS Module

  • Required commands before running vr_refresh on the AHRS Module":
    • cd flighthack
    • ./vr_create_virtport_all.sh &
  • vr_refesh command for the AHRS Module:
    • vr_refresh -c vrport2 -i 3 ~/firmware/attitude_sensor-X.Y.Z.hex --block_size 16384

Thruster Module (Use the correct Node ID)

  • vr_refresh -i ~/firmware/motor_controller-X.Y.Z.hex

Camera Module

  • Required commands before running vr_refresh on the Camera Module:
    • cd flighthack
    • ./vr_create_virtport_all.sh &
  • vr_refesh command for the Camera Module:
    • vr_refresh -c vrport3 -i 4 ~/firmware/camera_adapter-X.Y.Z.hex --block_size 16384

LED Module (Use the correct Node ID)

  • vr_refresh -i 11 ~/firmware/led_controller-X.Y.Z.hex

Firmware Block Sizes

Module Block Size Comms Path
Power Module 16384 Direct
Communications Module 16384 Direct
AHRS Module 16384 vport2
Power Module Default Direct
Camera Module 16384 vport3
LED Module Default Direct

MSS Defender
Operator's Manual, Version: 1.00.00
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