Using Network Remote Operations

Network Remote Operations can be used to operate a VideoRay ROV remotely from anywhere.


In order to operate a VideoRay ROV remotely, the following requirements must be available:

  • A complete VideoRay system must be available at the dive site.

  • A computer with VideoRay Cockpit installed and a joystick must be available at the site from where you want the pilot the ROV.

  • Both locations must have high speed Internet access.


    Server - a system that has the ROV connected to it and is set to operate in "Server" mode. Remote users may connect to this system and operate the ROV.

  • Client - a system that can be connected via the internet to a server allowing the operator of the client system to control the ROV connected to the server system. The client does not require the ROV or tether.


The following steps are required to establish remote operations:

    Set up the server system at the dive site as normal.

    Set up a client computer and joystick at the site from where you want to pilot.

    Make sure both systems are connected to the Internet.

    In the User Settings -> Network Remote tab on the server, make sure the "Allow this system to act as a server" is checked, and define the Negotiation, Input and Output ports.

    In the User Settings -> Network Remote tab on the client, enter the IP address of the server and define the negotiation, input and output ports. The Negotiation port should be the same as the server, the Input port on the client should match the Output port on the server, and the Output port on the client should match the Input port on the server.

    Complete the pre-dive checklist on the server system and prepare to launch the ROV.

    On the client, click the Remote Connect button on the Control Bar.

    Once the connection is established, the ROV can be launched.

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Version: 1.00.00