Changing a Main Dome

The main domes are interchangeable from front to rear.

When working on the main domes, the ROV skid needs to be removed. It also helps to remove the float block and horizontal thruster nozzles.

To remove a main dome, first float block and horizontal thruster nozzles. Next, remove the ROV skid by removing the four screws at the bottom of the main dome retaining ring at the front (2 screws) and the back (2 screws).

Next, remove the acorn nuts from the rear of the main hull rods, and then remove the locking nuts from the rear of the main hull rods. At this point, the dome retaining rods can be removed.

Remove the dome by pulling on the tabs.

To install a main dome, make sure O-ring is clean and lubricated. Align the tabs so that they will not interfere with the main hull rods, and press the dome over the hull ring until it seats.

Install the main dome retaining ring with the tab aligned downward. Place the ROV on a flat surface and make sure both retaining rings are even and the ROV is setting level.

Install the main hull rods and secure them with the locking nuts.

Do not over tighten the main hull rods. Doing so will bend the main dome retaining rings. The locking nuts should be tightened so there is just enough room to install the acorn nuts.

Screw on the acorn nuts.

Replace the skid, nozzles and float block.

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