Manipulator / Cutter Status Indicator

The Manipulator / Cutter Status Indicator provides feedback on whether the manipulator (or the cutter) is opening, closing or stationary.

The instrument title will display as Manipulator whether the manipulator or cutter is in use.



When the manipulator or cutter is opening or closing, the display is animated to indicate the action.

The size and display of the Manipulator / Cutter Status Indicator can be adjusted. See the Instruments section of this guide for more information.

The feedback is based upon the status of the hand controller input, not the manipulator or cutter action.

The VideoRay Manipulator and Cutter are optional and may not be included in all VideoRay Pro 4 configurations.

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Pro 4 Ultra Operator's Manual, Version: 1.08.10
Copyright © 2014, VideoRay LLC - The Global Leader in Micro-ROV Technology