Safety Circuit

The Control Panel includes circuit safety component.

  • GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) / Circuit Breaker

See the Pre-Dive Preparations section of the Quick Start Instructions for information on testing this component.

GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) / Circuit Breaker

The GFCI / Circuit Breaker protects the operator from shock from the AC circuit of the power source, and protects the equipment from a current overload. The GFCI has two operating switches and a test button. To energize the control panel, both switches need to be turned on. If the GFCI detects a differential current between the supply and ground poles of the power source, it will trip, or open the circuit. If the circuit breaker detects a current greater than it's rating, it will trip. The test button can be used to simulate these conditions and pressing and holding the test button should cause the switches to open, or turn off. If the GFCI continues to trip, the system should be inspected for a fault before being used.

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Pro 4 Ultra Operator's Manual, Version: 1.08.10
Copyright © 2014, VideoRay LLC - The Global Leader in Micro-ROV Technology