ROV Health Indicator

The ROV Health Indicator provides status information for several key operational parameters, including the power management system, power, communications, internal humidity and internal temperature.


    Power Management Status Indicator Bar
Power Status Indicator
Communications Status Indicator
Humidity Status Indicator
Temperature Status Indicator


The status indicators are green if the status is okay, but change to red if a problem is detected.

    Sample ROV Health Indicator displaying a communications fault.

If a problem is detected, corrective action should be taken. See the Diagnostics and Repair section of the Maintenance Guide for more information.

The size and display of the ROV Health Indicator can be adjusted. See the Instruments section of this guide for more information.

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Pro 4 Ultra Operator's Manual, Version: 1.08.10
Copyright © 2014, VideoRay LLC - The Global Leader in Micro-ROV Technology