Knowledge Requirement 5:

Diagnostic Information and Displays

Operators should know where to find diagnostic Information and be able to use the information to help isolate problems and possibly determine the cause and resolution of problems.

  1. Greensea Diagnostics Mode Tabs
    1. Vehicle Configuration
      1. Temperature Group
        1. Water Temperature Display
      2. Joystick Data Group
        1. Hand Controller Analog Response
        2. Joystick X
        3. Joystick Y
        4. Joystick Turn
        5. Left Upper Knob
        6. Left Lower Knob
        7. Side Knob
      3. Buttons Group
        1. Controller Dependent - see hand controller mappings
      4. Overlay Group
        1. Video Overlay Button
        2. Record Overlay Button
        3. Font size Input
        4. Temperature Button
        5. Time Button
        6. Dive # Input
        7. Note 1 Input
        8. Note 2 Input
        9. Location Button
        10. Depth Button
        11. Altitude Button
        12. Heading Button
        13. Pitch Button
        14. Roll Button
    2. Vehicle Network
      1. Thruster Groups
        1. Thruster 1 Group
        2. Thruster 2 Group
        3. Thruster 3 Group
        4. Thruster 4 Group
        5. Thruster 5 Group
        6. Thruster 6 Group
        7. Thruster 7 Group
      2. LED Groups
        1. LED 1 Group
        2. LED 2 Group
      3. Camera Group
        1. Camera Group
    3. Vehicle Sensors
      1. Doppler Velocity Log Group
      2. Inertial Measurement Group
      3. Pressure Group
      4. Ultra Short Baseline Group
      5. Range Scale Input
    4. Positioning
      1. ROV GPS Group
      2. Topside GPS Group
  2. Video Settings (
  3. Sonar Native Application (Oculus ViewPoint software)
  4. DVL Settings (
  5. Connections and Pinouts (see Operator's Manual)
    1. Tether 8 Pin Specifications
    2. 5 Pin Specifications
    3. 9 Pin Specifications
  6. Module Configuration
    1. Concepts
    2. Parameters
VideoRay Virtual Training Library , Version: 1.00.00
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