Mission Specialist Defender System Overview

Lesson Description

  • The lesson provides an introduction the Mission Specialist Defender hardware, including major components and accessories.
  • Topics

    1. Defender
    2. Defender Overview
    3. Defender Vehicle
    4. Defender Operator Control Console
    5. Greensea Control Software
    6. Hand Controllers
    7. Tether
    8. Accessories
    9. TDS
    10. Multibeam Sonar
    11. Rotating Manipulator
    12. ROV GPS
    13. Topside GPS
    14. DVL
    15. USBL
    16. Specifications
  • Lesson Duration: Approximately 9 minutes.

Intended Audience

  • Novice Operator Candidates
  • Technician Candidates

Learning Objectives

  1. Be able to identify each of the Defender components and their basic functional purpose.
  2. Be able to identify Defender compatible accessories and their basic functional purpose.

Recommended Prerequisites

  1. VideoRay Mission Specialist Introduction Video
  2. How to Use these Lessons
  3. Safety First
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