2 - General Overview

VideoRay CoPilot V1.1 provides the latest generation of SMART software tools in a simple to use, pilot-friendly form. Training using VideoRay CoPilot is painless and the intuitive tools help novice users tackle even the most complex operations.

Pilots normally control a VideoRay ROV using thruster inputs to follow a desired course and speed. Constant adjustments are required to correct the course and account for water current and tether drag. Using VideoRay CoPilot, pilots input the intended direction or locations to pass through and the system will comply. It automatically adjusts the thrust to cause the ROV to go where the pilot wants it to go. The system also generates more stable maneuvering operations, which can result in better quality pictures and videos.

Pilots using the Pro 4 ROV equipped with VideoRay CoPilot will be able to:

  • hold position and heading at the touch of a button;
  • change the position and heading accurately using a simple point-and-click interface;
  • use the ROV joystick intuitively, without having to consider currents and tether effects;
  • cruise at a constant speed and heading;
  • generate accurate waypoint requests by entering specific coordinates;
  • plan detailed missions by simply selecting a series of waypoints;
  • load a vector map of the area; and
  • concentrate on the operations and not actual action of piloting.

2.1 Requirements

VideoRay CoPilot requires that the Pro 4 ROV is equipped with a Doppler Velocity Log (DVL).

2.2 Dynamic Positioning System

A dynamic positioning (DP) system allows the ROV to automatically hold a requested position. A DP system mimics automatically what a pilot would do in adjusting the thrusters to keep the desired position.

The pilot can easily control the ROV using the DP system. For example, if the pilot maneuvers the joystick to the forward position, the ROV will move forwards while automatically compensating for cross-currents and tether effects.

Please refer to section 9 - Flying with Dynamic Positioning for a more detailed explanation of the DP system.

2.3 VideoRay CoPilot Core Features

The core features of VideoRay CoPilot are:

  • Pilot Interface: The VideoRay CoPilot pilot interface offers the visual aid of real-time monitoring. Its non-intrusive dark background enhances the display on screen and allows the user to extract vital real-time information for piloting.
  • Hover Command: This command provides station-keeping at the touch of a button.
  • Autohover Flight Mode: In this mode the ROV switches automatically between MANUAL mode (when the joystick is in use) and HOVER (when the joystick is not in use).
  • Autofly Flight Mode: In this mode the ROV can be controlled through the enhanced joystick velocity controller or through the Click & Go interface. This mode also enables the alternative navigation tools of the Survey Module.
  • Cruise Flight Mode: In this mode the ROV can be made to move at a constant speed, depth/altitude and heading. The pilot can adjust position and heading without interrupting the flight.
  • Compatibility: VideoRay CoPilot is compatible with the Teledyne RDI (RS-232) DVL.
  • Survey Module: This core module comprises the additional navigation tools of Survey and Waypoint, which allow the user to plan specific missions for the ROV with ease and precision.

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Version: 1.01.00