7 - Additional Interface Functions

There are further interface options available to users. These options can be found to the top center, above the pilot interface, and right, above the waterfall, of the interface toolbar. These additional functions include:

  • Chart Loading

    Figure 27 - Chart Loading

  • Taking a Screenshot

    Figure 28 - Screenshot

  • Log Recording

    Figure 29 - Log Recording

  • External Position Fix

    Figure 30 - External Position

  • Clearing Breadcrumb Trail

    Figure 31 - Clear Breadcrumbs

  • Preferences

    Figure 32 - Preferences

7.1 Chart Loading

The "Chart Loader" button allows the user to add a vector chart to the navigation chart display. It can only display one chart at a time. The vector chart must be an AutoCAD® 14 DXF file in UTM WGS84 format or an ENC chart and the chart must not exceed the boundaries of the relevant UTM zone.

The Navigation Status indicator on the pilot information display must be green in order for the chart to be loaded. Please refer to section 6.2.4 - The Navigation Status Indicator for more information.

Figure 33 - Loading a Chart

The user must know which UTM zone the chart was created in.

The Load Vector Chart dialog box comprises three steps:

  1. Selecting the "Browse" button opens up a dialog box, through which DXF chart files may be selected. When the appropriate file is located and the "Open" button is selected, the chart is ready to be loaded, and the appropriate file name should appear in the file name display.
  2. When a valid file has been selected the filename will be displayed. The user must then select the correct UTM zone to position the chart using the drop-down lists.

    If an incorrect zone is chosen the chart will not be positioned correctly but may still appear in the view.

  3. The user must ensure that the vehicle position is correct before loading the vector chart. If the Navigation Status indicator is green, this step is optional. If the Navigation Status sensor is yellow or red, this step should be performed by selecting the "Set Vehicle Position" button.

Select the "Add" button to insert the chart on to the navigation chart display. Select the "Exit" button to close the dialog box.

Removing a Chart

Selecting the "Remove" button removes the current chart displayed in the navigation chart display. If no chart is present, no action is taken.

72. Taking a Screenshot

A screenshot of the current interface display can be taken by selecting the "Screenshot" button. By selecting this button, a screenshot of the current interface display will be captured and saved to the desktop as a bmp. file.

7.3 Log Recording

The "Log Recording" button allows the user to record a sequence of system activity into a legible file, which can then be stored for future reference or inspection. The file will compile and display details such as navigation information and critical system data.

After selecting the "Log Recorder" button, a dialog box requiring details of the log will be shown.

Figure 34 - Log Repository

The Log Repository allows the user to browse the system files and folders to find the desired location for the recorded log, which will be saved as a .CSV file. The Task Selection drop-down list allows the user to enter the title of the log. There is also the option to include a Task Comment by entering the appropriate text into the box provided.

After selecting the "Ok" button the system will begin to record the system activity to the specified file.

The process can be stopped, and the log completed, at any time by re-selecting the "Log Recorder" button.

7.4 External Position Fix

By selecting the Change Vehicle Position menu item, the user is presented with two options:

  1. Take a new position from external fix

    If the system has been configured to receive the calculated global position of the ROV from an external positioning system, the user has the option to force VideoRay CoPilot to update its location for the vehicle from this external source.

    The pilot has the option to tell the navigation system to take a reading from this external source, if they consider it to be reliable at that time.

  2. Manually enter updated global position

    This option allows the user to manually enter the global position of the ROV and update the navigation chart display.

Figure 35 - External Position Fix

By checking the "Remember this choice" box before exiting the dialog box, the system will store the details of the request and remember them the next time the user accesses the Change Vehicle Position menu item.

7.5 Clearing the Breadcrumb Trail

As the ROV moves across the Pilot Interface, a breadcrumb trail will be left, highlighting the path of the vehicle. This path can be cleared by simply selecting the "Clear Breadcrumb Trail" button.

To disable the breadcrumb trail, refer to section: 7.6.3 Features

7.6 Preferences

The "Preferences" button can be located on the top right of your screen, above the waterfall. The "Preferences" button will allow users to control:

  1. Units
  2. Joystick Calibration
  3. Features

7.6.1 Units

The user can change the display measurement (position) units used in the interface to meters or feet. The velocity units can also be changed to m/s, ft/s or knots.

Figure 36 - Units

7.6.2 Joystick Calibration

This menu item is used to calibrate the joystick that is currently connected to the VideoRay CoPilot system.

The joystick calibration should be completed before the ROV is ready to be operated - i.e. before it is in the water.

The Joystick Calibration menu item can only be accessed while the MANUAL flight mode is selected because errors may cause the DP system to become unstable.

After selecting this item, the user can configure the region in which the joystick will be classed as "deadstick"

Figure 37 - Joystick

7.6.3 Features

This menu item allows the user to enable or disable the following features:

  • Range and Bearing Tool
  • Breadcrumb Trail
  • Tool-tips
  • Station Keeping

Figure 38 - Features

Each feature can be enabled or disabled by simply clicking on the tick box to the left of the description. A tick indicates the feature is enabled.

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