Mission Specialist Defender Operator Curriculum
The following sequence of lessons is recommended for learning how to use the VideoRay Mission Specialist Defender.
Novice Operator (100 Level Series)
- How to Use these VideoRay Training Library Lessons
- Mission Specialist Overview Video
- Safety First
- Defender Overview
- Greensea Workspace Overview
- Standards of Equipment Care
- Defender IP65 Hand Controller Mapping
- Defender Xbox Elite Hand Controller Mapping
- Defender Quick Start Instructions
- Defender Periodic Maintenance
- Defender Manual Control Exercises
- Defender Manual Control Exercises Workbook
Basic Operator (200 Level Series)
- Operating the Camera and LED Lights
- Defender Auto Modes
- Defender Thruster Module (This lesson includes the propeller and thruster module removal and replacement and thruster oil refill instructions, or you can view each lesson independently.)
- Defender Removal and Replacement Instructions: Thruster Propeller
- Defender Removal and Replacement Instructions: Thruster Module
- Thuster Oil Refill Instructions
Sensors and Tooling Lessons
- Operating the Blueprint Subsea Oculus Sonar
- Defender Auto Modes Control Exercises
- Defender Auto Modes Control Exercises Workbook
Advanced Operator (300 Level Series)
- Defender Dynamic Positioning and Jog Controls
- Defender Dynamic Positioning and Jog Controls Exercises
- Defender Dynamic Positioning and Jog Controls Exercises Workbook