Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist, Mission Specialist

Mission Specialist Glossary / Index

After each entry, there is a list of pages where the entry can be found in this manual.

Accelerometer - A device used to measure acceleration - used to determine pitch and roll of the ROV

Accessory - An optional device that can be used with the VideoRay system to augment its features and capabilities

Defender Frame, ROV Connections, Switches and Connections, Tether, Accessories, On-site Operations, Auto Altitude, Low Visibility

Accessory Port - ROV connection for ROV mounted accessories that provides access to power and data circuits


Acoustic - Using sound as a method of communicating underwater - often used to measure distance


Altitude - The height of the ROV off of the bottom

Piloting Tools, Auto Altitude

Artificial Horizon - See Attitude Indicator

Attitude Indicator - Instrument that provides an indication of the pitch and roll of the ROV

ATW - (Automatic White Balance) color corrects an image - See also White Balance

Auto Altitude - Control Feature that maintains the altitude of the ROV at a constant value

Piloting Tools, Auto Altitude

Auto Depth - Control Feature that maintains the depth of the ROV at a constant value

Piloting Tools, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Auto Heading - Control Feature that maintains the heading (compass direction) of the ROV at a constant value

Piloting Tools, Auto Heading

Auto Pitch - Control Feature that maintains the pitch of the ROV at a constant value

Rotating Manipulator, Piloting Tools

Auto Roll - Control Feature that maintains the roll of the ROV at a constant value

Ballast - Weights used to decrease buoyancy of the ROV to achieve desired buoyancy

Defender Buoyancy, Defender Ballast, Included Accessories, Confined Spaces

Buoyancy - The tendency to float, sink or remain at a constant depth

Defender Buoyancy, Defender Ballast, Tether Specifications, Tether Management

Camera - The camera provides a video image from the ROV

Camera Module, ROV Submersible, Camera Module, Camera Tilt Up, Camera Tilt Down, Camera Focus In, Camera Focus Out, Snapshot, Video Record, Camera Tilt Up, Camera Tilt Down, Camera Focus In, Camera Focus Out, Snapshot, Video Record, VideoRay Interface Overview, Updating Firmware, Command: vr_enum, Command: vr_setid, Command: vr_debug_putty, Command: vr_create_virtport, Snagged Tether / ROV, General Logistics, Image and Video Production, Still Images, Video Recording, Piloting Tactics, Low Visibility, Camera Module

Camera Focus - Method to control image focus or the current state of image focus

Camera Focus In, Camera Focus Out, Camera Focus In, Camera Focus Out

Camera Tilt - Method to control the vertical angle of the camera or the current state of camera tilt

Camera Tilt Up, Camera Tilt Down, Camera Tilt Up, Camera Tilt Down

Celsius - Unit of measure of temperature

Checklist - Method to ensure all operations are completed as planned or functions perform as expected

Mission Planning, Piloting Tools

Close - The Close button exits ROV Control Software

Manipulator Close, Manipulator Close, VideoRay Interface Overview, Deployment Platforms, Confined Spaces, Communications Module, Thruster Module, LED Light Module

Compass - Instrument that provides an indication of the heading of the ROV

AHRS Module, DVL, Auto Heading

Compatibility - The state or being able to work together

System Voltage Advisory, Hand Controller, Environmental Compatibility, Potable Water, Contaminated Water

Computer - Primary topside component required to run the ROV control software

Customize this Document, User Control Console, Switches and Connections, Computer, HD Monitor, VideoRay Industrial Controller, VideoRay IP65 Controller, Accessories, Included Accessories, General Logistics, Project Completion, Still Images, Video Recording, Cold Weather Operations, Hot Weather Operations

User Control Console - The surface component that provides power and communications with the ROV

User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Switches and Connections, Computer, Connections Summary, Software Guide

Current - The flow of water or electricity

Communications Module, Thruster Module, LED Light Module, Manipulator Specifications, Safety Circuits, Image and Video Production, Still Images, Video Recording, Tether Management, Potable Water, Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude, Piloting Tactics, Swift Current, Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Camera Module

Customization - The ability to change the operation or behavior of the system to make it more suitable for specific applications


Cutter - An optional ROV mounted device for cutting objects


Data Export - Allows data from the ROV to be exported to external applications

Data Import - Allows data from external applications or sensors to be displayed on the video as overlay text

Date - Calendar Date

Customize this Document, Product FAQ, Specifications, Snapshot, Video Record, Snapshot, Video Record, Accessories, DVL, Command: vr_refresh, Updating Firmware, Still Images, Video Recording

Depth - Vertical location of the ROV within the water measured from the surface

Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, Camera Module, LED Light Module, Manipulator Specifications, ROV Nomenclature, AHRS Module, Depth Control, Depth Control, Acceptable Use, Piloting Tools, Auto Modes , Auto Depth, Auto Altitude, Low Visibility, Swift Current, Deep Water

Depth Control Knob - Method of controlling the depth of the ROV

Depth Control, Depth Control, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Depth Gauge - Display that indicates the current depth of the ROV

Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Depth Rating - Maximum depth for operation of the ROV

Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, Camera Module, LED Light Module, Manipulator Specifications, Acceptable Use

Diagnostics - Method for identifying the cause of a problem

Command: vr_refresh, Command: vr_enum, Loss of ROV Function(s), Piloting Tools

Edit - The process of modifying data

Customize this Document, Computer, Image and Video Production

Ethernet - Data Protocol and connector style

Communications Module, AHRS Module, Camera Module, Switches and Connections, Computer, Command: vr_create_virtport

Export - Method to communicate data from the ROV to other systems

Factory Default - Initial state of a variety of parameters

Fahrenheit - Unit of measure of temperature

Fault - Indication of a problem

Customize this Document, User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Command: vr_refresh, Updating Firmware, Command: vr_enum, Command: vr_setid, Command: vr_debug_putty, Communications Module

Feet - Unit of measure of length or distance

Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, Camera Module, LED Light Module, Manipulator Specifications, Tether Specifications, Tether Management

Firmware - Software that resides on the ROV modules

Software Guide, Folder Structure, Module Configuration, Configuration Commands, Command: vr_refresh, Updating Firmware

Float Block - Required ROV component used to increase buoyancy of the ROV - counteracted by ballast to achieve desired buoyancy

Defender Buoyancy, ROV GPS, Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, Camera Module, LED Light Module

Gain - Setting to control the level of some parameter

Video Record, Video Record, Contaminated Water, Piloting Tools, Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude, Low Visibility, Swift Current, Communications Module, Thruster Module, LED Light Module

Generator - AC power source that typically runs on gasoline or diesel fuel

System Voltage Advisory, User Control Console, Accessories, Mission Support Accessories, General Logistics, Deployment Platforms

GFCI - (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) A safety circuit

Safety First, User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Computer, Loss of ROV Function(s)

GPS - (Geographic Positioning System) Device that provides location

ROV GPS Specifications , ROV GPS, Piloting Tools

Hand Controller - Input device to control the ROV's operation

Hand Controller, VideoRay Industrial Controller, VideoRay IP65 Controller, Connections Summary, Rotating Manipulator, Still Images, Video Recording

Heading - The compass direction the ROV is facing

Customize this Document, AHRS Module, Piloting Tools, Auto Modes , Auto Heading

Help - Information intended to provide assistance

System Voltage Advisory, Defender Ballast, Mission Support Accessories, Command: vr_refresh, Command: vr_enum, Command: vr_setid, Command: vr_debug_putty, Acceptable Use, Emergency Situations, Snagged Tether / ROV, Project Management, General Logistics, On-site Operations, Piloting, Piloting Tactics, Low Visibility

Humidity - Qualitative measure of the amount of moisture in the air

Camera Module

IEC - (International Electrotechnical Commission) Power cord connector standard

User Control Console, Switches and Connections, Computer

Import - Method to receive and process data from other systems

Flooded ROV / Component, Snagged Tether / ROV, Deployment Platforms, Piloting Tools

Instrument - User Control Software interface feature to display information or control features

Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Inverter - AC power source that runs on battery

User Control Console, Mission Support Accessories, General Logistics, Deployment Platforms

Joystick - Input device for controlling the surge and yaw of the ROV

Hand Controller, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Auto Modes , Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Lens - Camera element used to capture and focus light to create an image

Lights - ROV component that provides lights for scene illumination in dark areas

ROV Submersible, Power Module, Thruster Module, Light Module, ROV Connections, Lights Intensity, Lights Intensity, Module Configuration, General Logistics, Image and Video Production

LIM - (Line Insulation Monitor) A safety circuit

System Voltage Advisory, User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Switches and Connections, Loss of ROV Function(s)

Main Dome - Protective covering over the camera

Contaminated Water

Manipulator - An optional ROV mounted device for grabbing objects

Manipulator Specifications, Manipulator Open, Manipulator Close, Manipulator Rotate, Manipulator Open, Manipulator Close, Manipulator Rotate, Accessories, Rotating Manipulator, VideoRay Interface Overview, Snagged Tether / ROV, Deep Water, Communications Module

Meter - Unit of measure of length or distance

Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, Camera Module, LED Light Module, Manipulator Specifications, ROV Submersible, Tether, Tether Specifications, Module Configuration, Tether Management, Auto Altitude, Swift Current, Deep Water, Communications Module, Thruster Module, LED Light Module

Mission Planning - A method to prepare for a successful ROV operation

Project Management, Mission Planning

Monitor - Device used for the display of the video or computer image

Safety First, Communications Module, System Voltage Advisory, User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Switches and Connections, Computer, HD Monitor, Included Accessories, General Logistics, On-site Operations, Cold Weather Operations, Auto Modes

My_Note - Feature of the documentation that allows users to add personal notes to the online pages

Customize this Document

Negative - A state of buoyancy in which the ROV will sink and a type of tether

System Voltage Advisory, Tether, Tether Specifications, Tether Management, Swift Current, Deep Water

Neutral - A state of buoyancy in which the ROV will maintain it's vertical location and a type of tether

System Voltage Advisory, Defender Buoyancy, Tether, Tether Specifications, Tether Management, Auto Modes , Deep Water, Confined Spaces

O-Ring - Sealing device

Included Accessories

Opaque - Unable to see through

Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Overlay - Text or logo superimposed on the video

Still Images, Video Recording, Piloting Tools, Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Pitch - The nose-up or nose-down attitude or motion of the ROV

AHRS Module, ROV Nomenclature, Defender Ballast, Thruster Module, Pitch Up, Pitch Down, Pitch / Roll Reset, Pitch Up, Pitch Down, Pitch / Roll Reset, Rotating Manipulator, Module Configuration, Piloting Tools, Deep Water

Positive - A state of buoyancy in which the ROV will float and a type of tether

ROV Nomenclature, Defender Ballast

PPT - (Professional Performance Tether) A type of tether

System Voltage Advisory, Tether, Tether Management

Pressure Sensor - A device to measure pressure - used to calculate ROV depth

AHRS Module, Auto Depth

Propeller - ROV component with pitched blades that generate thrust when rotated

Safety First, Thruster Module, Thruster Module, Included Accessories, On-site Operations, Tether Management, Thruster Module

Record - Command to initiate video capture to a storage media

ROV Submersible, Snapshot, Video Record, Snapshot, Video Record, VideoRay Interface Overview, Folder Structure, On-site Operations, Image and Video Production, Still Images, Video Recording

Remotely Operated Vehicle - The underwater vehicle

RJ-45 - A connector Style with 8 contacts commonly used for Ethernet connections

Switches and Connections, Computer

Roll - The left or right leaning attitude or motion of the ROV

Customize this Document, Thruster Module, Pitch / Roll Reset, Pitch / Roll Reset, Module Configuration

ROV - See Remotely Operated Vehicle

Safety First, Post-Dive Operations, ROV System Specifications, ROV Modules Specifications, ROV Accessories Specifications, ROV GPS Specifications , System Voltage Advisory, ROV Submersible, ROV Nomenclature, Defender Buoyancy, ROV Connections, Tether Strain Relief, User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Switches and Connections, Computer, Hand Controller, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Depth Control, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Depth Control, Tether, Tether Specifications, Connections Summary, Accessories, ROV GPS, DVL, Software Guide, General Operations Guide, Acceptable Use, Emergency Situations, Flooded ROV / Component, Snagged Tether / ROV, Cut Tether, Loss of ROV Function(s), Project Management, Mission Planning, General Logistics, On-site Operations, Universal Practices, Deployment Platforms, Tether Management, Hot Weather Operations, Potable Water, Contaminated Water, Piloting, Piloting Tools, Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude, Piloting Tactics, Low Visibility, Swift Current, Deep Water, Confined Spaces

RS-485 - Data Protocol

Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, LED Light Module, Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, Camera Module, Light Module, ROV Connections, Tether Specifications, Configuration Commands, Command: vr_create_virtport

Safety - State of, or application of, safe practices

Safety First, User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Mission Planning, General Logistics

SDK - (Software Developer's Kit) A program and a set of software libraries and utilities to aid custom program development

Sensitivity - The amount of output based on a specific level of input, particularly for the joystick

Sensor - An instrument for measuring a specific property of an object or the environment

Communications Module, AHRS Module, Thruster Module, Camera Module, LED Light Module, ROV Submersible, Power Module, Communications Module, AHRS Module, Accessories, Included Accessories, Updating Firmware, Piloting, Piloting Tools, Auto Depth

Settings - The values of specific controls or parameters, or the ability to manage these

Customize this Document, System Voltage Advisory, Data Management, Auto Heading, Thruster Module, LED Light Module

Skid - The base of the ROV and often used to mount accessories

Snagged Tether / ROV

Software Developer's Kit - See SDK

Snapshot - A still image captured from the video image

Snapshot, Video Record, Snapshot, Video Record, Image and Video Production, Still Images, Video Recording

Strain Relief - An ROV and tether component that reduces the load on tether connections

Tether Strain Relief, Tether, Tether Specifications, Connections Summary

Sun Shade - Device used to shade the display for better visibility in direct sunlight

Included Accessories

Surge - The forward and backward motion of the ROV

ROV Nomenclature

TDS - (Tether Deployment System) A reel for storing tether

System Voltage Advisory, Tether Management

Temperature - Qualitative measure of hot or cold

Thruster Module, Camera Module, LED Light Module, Computer, Module Configuration, Special Situations, Cold Weather Operations, Hot Weather Operations

Tether - The cable that connects the ROV to the User Control Console

Safety First, Power Module, System Voltage Advisory, Power Module, ROV Connections, Tether Strain Relief, User Control Console, Safety Circuits, Switches and Connections, Tether, Tether Specifications, Connections Summary, Accessories, ROV GPS, Mission Support Accessories, Snagged Tether / ROV, Cut Tether, Loss of ROV Function(s), Mission Planning, On-site Operations, Deployment Platforms, Tether Management, Potable Water, Contaminated Water, Piloting Tactics, Swift Current, Deep Water, Confined Spaces

Tether Deployment System - See TDS

Text Overlay - Ability to superimpose text over a video image

Still Images, Video Recording, Piloting Tools, Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Third Axis - Rotational motion of the joystick - can be used as an alternate control method of the joystick

Thruster - ROV propulsion system including a motor and propeller

Power Module, Thruster Module, ROV Submersible, Power Module, Thruster Module, Light Module, ROV Connections, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Depth Control, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Depth Control, VideoRay Interface Overview, Module Configuration, Updating Firmware, Command: vr_enum, Command: vr_setid, Command: vr_debug_putty, Potable Water, Piloting Tools, Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude, Deep Water, Power Module, Thruster Module, LED Light Module

Thruster Nozzle - Shroud around the propeller

Tilt Arm - User Control Console component to adjust the angle of the optional second monitor

User Control Console

Transparent - Ability to see through

ROV Connections, Hand Controller, VideoRay Industrial Controller, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Depth Control, Pitch Up, Pitch Down, Pitch / Roll Reset, Autos Off, Lights Intensity, Camera Tilt Up, Camera Tilt Down, Camera Focus In, Camera Focus Out, Snapshot, Video Record, Manipulator Open, Manipulator Close, Manipulator Rotate, VideoRay IP65 Controller, Forward / Reverse Control, Lateral Control, Yaw Control, Depth Control, Pitch Up, Pitch Down, Pitch / Roll Reset, Lights Intensity, Camera Tilt Up, Camera Tilt Down, Camera Focus In, Camera Focus Out, Snapshot, Video Record, Manipulator Open, Manipulator Close, Manipulator Rotate, Auto Heading, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude

Turns Indicator - An instrument that keeps track of the number of rotations of the ROV about its vertical axis and provides information on which direction to turn to unwind the tether

Umbilical - See also Tether

Potable Water

Upgrade - A newer version or the process of installing a newer version

USB - (Universal Serial Bus) Data protocol and connector style

Switches and Connections, Computer, VideoRay Industrial Controller, VideoRay IP65 Controller, Connections Summary, ROV GPS, DVL, Command: vr_refresh, Command: vr_enum, Command: vr_setid, Command: vr_debug_putty

Video - In VideoRay context, the image from the ROV's camera or the ability to record this image

ROV Submersible, Camera Module, User Control Console, Switches and Connections, Computer, Snapshot, Video Record, Snapshot, Video Record, Tether, Tether Specifications, Mission Support Accessories, VideoRay Interface Overview, Project Completion, Image and Video Production, Still Images, Video Recording, Piloting Tactics, Low Visibility

Video Encoder - Defines a method of storing a video image within a file format

Video Window - Display component that displays the video image from the camera

Snapshot, Video Record, Snapshot, Video Record, VideoRay Interface Overview, Image and Video Production, Still Images, Video Recording

Virtual COM Port - A software feature that allows two applications on the same computer to communicate without requiring physical ports

Visibility - Measure of the clarity of water

Camera Module, Mission Planning, On-site Operations, Piloting Tactics, Low Visibility

Whip - A short length of tether attached to the ROV or User Control console

Switches and Connections

White Balance - Camera feature to color correct images from the camera

Yaw - The left or right turning attitude or motion of the ROV

AHRS Module, ROV Nomenclature, Thruster Module, Yaw Control, Yaw Control

Zoom - Camera image magnification

Camera Module

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