Operating the Blueprint Subsea
Oculus Sonar
Version: A-1.00.00 | Time Remaining: Approximately 5 minutes.
20 of 29 - Flat Plate
Navigate to page...
1 - VideoRay Introduction
2 - Blueprint Subsea Oculus Sonar
3 - Simple Scene
4 - Simplified Image Interpretation
5 - Frequency Selection
6 - Range Slider
7 - Gain Slider
8 - Color Mapping
9 - Color Palette Selection
10 - Bias & Span
11 - Span Threshold
12 - Span Intensity
13 - Bias
14 - Recording Sonar
15 - Target Quality Factors
16 - Sonar Pitch Angle Horizontal
17 - Sonar Pitch Angle Down 5° - 10°
18 - Image Interpretation
19 - Tires
20 - Flat Plate
21 - Tall Object
22 - Vehicle
23 - Box, Hole, Mound
24 - Did You See the Fish?
25 - Fish
26 - Measuring Objects Using Sonar
27 - Advanced Settings
28 - Summary
29 - VideoRay Contact
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Tall Object