The Depth Instrument displays the current depth of the vehicle on the scale and at the top of the scale in green text. If Auto Depth is on, the desired depth or set point is displayed in white text and a white arrow visually indicates the set point.
If available, the current altitude of the vehicle is displayed at the bottom of the scale in green. If Auto Altitude is on, the desired altitude or set point is displayed in white text and a white arrow visually indicates the set point.
The depth and altitude (if available) historical trends are displayed graphically as a series of dots.
At the top of the Depth Instrument, a Turns Counter displays how many turns the ROV has completed. Clockwise turns are positive, counterclockwise turns are negative. The Turns counter can be reset to zero during start up.
The Zero Depth button below the turns counter can be used while the vehicle is on the surface to calibrate the pressure sensor to ensure the depth is reading zero on the surface.