It is generally a good idea to notify anyone near the system that you are about to power it on. When it is clear and you are ready,
- Test and reset the GFCI.
- Turn on the OCC using the toggle switch.
- Turn on the ROV power by rotating the emergency stop switch. The switch will pop up.
- Test and reset the LIM (Line Insulation Monitor) using the "T" and "R" buttons. The LIM is similar to the GFCI, and is a safeguard for the DC power in the tether.
- Check the LIM status. It should read: “> 4 M Ohm” If it is less than 4 M Ohm, lubricate and reset all of the tether connections and check again. If it still reads less than 4 M Ohm, the system should be checked before continuing.
- Verify that the ROV is powered one by checking the status LEDs. These can be found on the power and communications modules on the starboard and port sides respectively or on the back of the LED lights.
Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.