Not all missions will require georeferenced navigation. If the mission does not require georeferenced navigation, you may still want to set the compass declination in step 3 below, but can skip steps 1, 2 and 4.
If the operation requires georeferenced navigation, the navigation system should be initialized.
- Verify geolocation data from either the ROV GPS or Topside GPS.
- Geolocate the vehicle using one of the following methods.
- Click the Reset to GPS button.
- Key-in coordinates or use the Get Topside button and then click the Update Vehicle Position button.
- Rick click on the location of the ROV on the map and select Set Position from the map right-click pop up menu.
- Use the sonar image as a reference and select Set Position from the map right-click pop up menu until an object in the sonar image, such as the shoreline or pilings lines up with the map.
- Once you have established the location, set the Declination.
- You can use the Auto Declinate button,
- or Key-in the declination and click on the Update Vehicle button.
- Verify USBL operation, if installed
Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.