Mission Specialist Defender
System Overview
Version: A-1.00.00 | Time Remaining: Approximately 5 minutes.
11 of 18 - Multibeam Sonar
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1 - VideoRay Introduction
2 - Defender
3 - Defender Overview
4 - Defender Vehicle
5 - Defender Operator Control Console
6 - Greensea Control Software
7 - Hand Controllers
8 - Tether
9 - Accessories
10 - TDS
11 - Multibeam Sonar
12 - Rotating Manipulator
13 - ROV GPS
14 - Topside GPS
15 - DVL
16 - USBL
17 - Specifications
18 - VideoRay Contact
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Using the Blueprint Subsea Oculus Sonar
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Rotating Manipulator