Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Welcome to the real world of underwater operations! This lesson is your first introduction to field operations and actually piloting a Defender. The focus is familiarization with the equipment, software and how the system performs under manual control. It is similar to your first time driving a car and getting used to how quickly the steering, acceleration and brakes respond to your inputs.

We recommend that you thoroughly review this lesson in an office environment before going into the field. You can print this lesson or copy it to the operator control console or personal computer so that you can have it available while you practice the exercises.

Make sure you have completed all of the Recommended Prerequisites before attempting this lesson.

And, VideoRay's Support Team is always available to assist should you need us.

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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First, and obviously, we need access to water. A pool is preferred, but almost any accessible natural body of water will do if that is all that is available. If a pool is not available, we recommend a location with clear and calm water. Low visibility and high current are not good conditions for a new operator.

Before we begin, let's make sure you have everything you will need. Do you have the items on checklist? A summary is here:

After completing the checklist

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Tether (mis)Management

There is a saying among motorcyclists about motorcyclists, that goes, "There are two kinds of motorcyclists, those who have dropped their bikes, and those who will!"

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Tether Management

[ This page contains a video when viewed online. This image is a preview. ]

The success of many missions and the general welfare of the system rely on good tether management practices. This includes knowledge of the concerns and tether handling skills. In this section, we will look at the various methods of handling tether and best practices to employ during operations.

Methods for handling the tether include using a reel or TDS, which stands for Tether Deployment System, coiling the tether using the figure 8 method, which can be free form or on a frame, over-under coiling, and in some cases unspooling the tether and laying it on the deck may be

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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TDS - Tether Deployment System

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Tether Coiling Practices

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Figure Eight Coiling

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Over Under Coiling

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Tether Connections

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Managing Tether

Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Piloting Skills Development

Cross References

  • Defender Quick Start Instructions: http://download.videoray.com/training/vtl_defender_quick_start
  • VideoRay IP65 Controller: http://download.videoray.com/training/vtl_defender_hand_controller_ip65
  • Microsoft Xbox Elite Controller: http://download.videoray.com/training/vtl_defender_hand_controller_ip65
  • Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Vehicle Handling Characteristics

    Cross References

  • VideoRay IP65 Controller: http://download.videoray.com/training/vtl_defender_hand_controller_ip65
  • Microsoft Xbox Elite Controller: http://download.videoray.com/training/vtl_defender_hand_controller_ip65
  • Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Drive a Box

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Follow a Horizontal Feature

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Follow a Vertical Feature

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Hold Station

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Maintain a Heading

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Estimating Turns

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Find and Follow Your Tether

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Forward then Reverse

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Penetrate an Opening

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Orbit an Object

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Tie / Untie a Knot

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Manipulator Skills Development

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Manipulator Retrieval

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Manipulator Placement

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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    Tether Manipulation

    Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
    Version:  A-1.00.00

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