Mission Specialist Defender Manual Control Exercises
Version: A-1.00.00 | Time Remaining: Less than 1 minute.
27 of 30 - Manipulator Placement
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1 - Lesson Introduction
2 - Overview
3 - Prerequisites
4 - Tether (mis)Management
5 - Tether Management
6 - TDS - Tether Deployment System
7 - Tether Coiling Practices
8 - Figure Eight Coiling
9 - Over Under Coiling
10 - Tether Connections
11 - Managing Tether
12 - Piloting Skills Development
13 - Vehicle Handling Characteristics
14 - Drive a Box
15 - Follow a Horizontal Feature
16 - Follow a Vertical Feature
17 - Hold Station
18 - Maintain a Heading
19 - Estimating Turns
20 - Find and Follow Your Tether
21 - Forward then Reverse
22 - Penetrate an Opening
23 - Orbit an Object
24 - Tie / Untie a Knot
25 - Manipulator Skills Development
26 - Manipulator Retrieval
27 - Manipulator Placement
28 - Tether Manipulation
29 - Summary
30 - Lesson Completion
Manipulator Retrieval
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Tether Manipulation