Now that you have mastered some basic flight in open areas, we will turn our attention to precise handling in the vicinity of and relative to other objects. In addition to more focus on the camera controls, you should introduce video recording and snapshots as part of each exercise.

In this exercise, the goal is to learn to follow a horizontal feature. You can use a pool lane marking or stay alongside the edge of the pool. As shown, repeat this using three different flight modes: straight ahead, laterally, and crabbing, and for each you should navigate in both directions. For straight ahead and crabbing, you should reverse direction by operating in reverse, not by turning around. Again, do 5 or more repetitions of each mode.

Your goal is to improve your ability to follow the line as closely as possible and at a constant speed, but you should increase your speed in the later repetitions as you begin to get comfortable with the controls. For the lateral movement, try to maintain a fixed distance and remain perpendicular to the line as best as possible.