In this exercise, you will try to position the ROV and maintain it at that location. Navigate the ROV along a pool wall and then turn toward the wall while on the way to observe a point such as a pool filter inlet, outlet or light. Tether "recoil" will tend to pull the ROV in the direction from where you started and yaw the vehicle. Your goal is to overcome that force to keep the vehicle in position. If tether recoil is strong, which it can be for a new tether, you might need to pass the point of interest and then reverse back to the point. This will add some slack to the tether so that it does not tend to recoil as much. You can alternatively ask the tether handler to deploy more tether in these situations. Remember, there is usually more than just one "right" way to pilot for a given situation. The more "tricks" you learn, the better you will be able to handle any situation.