We will now proceed to go through a series of exercises designed to advance your ability to control the vehicle more accurately and precisely. As you progress through these exercises, begin to rely more and more on the camera rather than watching the ROV directly and start to exercise the camera controls to learn how to use the tilt and focus.

In this exercise, try to maintain straight lines and right angle turns as you "drive the box." The distances for each side should be at least 5 - 10 meters (15- 30 feet) depending on how large your work area allows. For this and upcoming exercises, repeat each activity at least 5 times, or more if time allows. You should begin to note improvements from your first repetition through your last.

This exercise also helps you get familiar with the effect of the tether on the vehicle. You may not notice it as much in a pool, but when pulling more tether or in swift current, the effect of the tether on the vehicle handling will be greater.