Let's look at some real numbers for the Oculus M750d sonar.

At low frequency (750 kHz), the maximum visible range is adjustable from 0.1 m to 120 m (or 0.3 ft to 400 ft). The field of view is 130 degrees horizontally and 20 degrees vertically (10 degrees up and down from the centerline). The beam information is provided here for reference, but it is not adjustable.

At high frequency (1.2 MHz), the maximum visible range is adjustable from 0.1 m to 40 m (or 0.3 ft to 130 ft). The field of view is 70 degrees horizontally and 12 degrees vertically (6 degrees up and down from the centerline). Again, the beam information is provided here, but it is not adjustable.

The maximum visible range in either mode can be adjusted by using the Range slider or the (+) - (-) buttons on the Sonar tab. The current Range value is displayed above the slider and annotated range rings will be present on the sonar image.

If the Cam / Sonar tabs are not visible. press the F6 key on the keyboard to unhide them.