VideoRay Virtual Training Library
VideoRay Virtual Training Library, VideoRay Virtual Training Library

Section 85

Greensea Workspace Overview

Lesson Description

  • This lesson introduces the Greensea Workspace Control Software and provides a tour of the interface.
  • Topics

    1. Greensea Workspace Software
    2. Versions and Software Startup
    3. Workspace Interface
    4. Control Bar
    5. Heading Instrument
    6. Depth Instrument
    7. Map Window
    8. Map Control Tabs
    9. Sonar Window
    10. Video Window
    11. Camera / Sonar Control Tabs
    12. View Selection
    13. Control Bar Icons
    14. Heading Instrument Use
    15. Depth Instrument Use
    16. Map Window Use
    17. Map Control Tabs Overivew
    18. Missions Tab
    19. Chart Items Tab
    20. Logging Tab
    21. Map Config Tab
    22. Setup Tab
    23. Sonar Window Use
    24. Video Window Use
    25. Video Text Overlay Use
    26. Camera / Sonar Control Tabs Oveview
    27. Camera Tab
    28. LEDs Tab
    29. Sonar Tab
    30. Tracking Control Tab
    31. Power Tab
    32. Joystick Gains Tab
    33. Summary
  • Lesson Duration: Approximately 15 minutes.

Intended Audience

  • Novice Operator Candidates
  • Technician Candidates

Learning Objectives

  1. Be able to start the Greensea Workspace
  2. Be able to identify the primary sections of the interface including controls, instruments and views.
  3. Be aware of the control elements and functions, including where to find them and the associated icons.
  4. Be aware of the information presented by each instrument.
  5. Be aware of the features associated with each view, such a panning and zooming in the map view
  6. Be aware of the tools associated with each view and on the tabs.

Recommended Prerequisites

  1. VideoRay Mission Specialist Introduction Video
  2. How to Use these Lessons
  3. Safety First
  4. Mission Specialist Defender System Overview or Mission Specialist Pro 5 System Overview
  5. Mission Specialist Standards of Equipment Care and Handling
  6. Mission Specialist Defender Computer Overview or Mission Specialist Pro 5 Computer Overview

Document Path: VideoRay Virtual Training Library > Catalog of Individual Lessons > Mission Specialist Systems > Control Software > Greensea Workspace Lessons > Greensea Workspace Overview