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Equipment Guide - Accessories - VideoRay - Optional Accessories - PAM

PAM (Protocol Adapter / Multiplexer)

PAM modules provide several features to extend the capabilities of VideoRay systems and accessories.

  1. PAM modules can adapt communications protocols to make devices that would not normally be able to communicate over the tether work by converting the protocol to a compatible format.
  2. PAM modules can multiplex data onto the ROV communications data bus so that accessories do not need to use the spare pair. This allows more than one accessory that requires a data path to the surface to be used concurrently. Devices must have low bandwidth requirements to be able to use the ROV communications bus.
  3. PAM modules include A/D converters to read data from analog devices and make it available as digital input to VideoRay Cockpit.
  4. PAM modules can be used with motor controllers to drive servo motors or thrusters.
  5. PAM modules can be used to turn accessories on or off.

See the sections about the PAM Instrument and PAM Operating Tips for more information.

Version: 1.07.00