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VideoRay Cockpit Guide - Control Bar - Engine Room - Compass Calibration

Compass Calibration

This process does not normally need to be repeated in the field. If you think there is a problem with the compass calibration, you should contact VideoRay Technical Support for advice before attempting to execute this procedure.

The ROV firmware must be version 2.3.3 or higher.

  1. Make sure the sub is complete (all motors and shields in place) and the board set is not moving inside the hull. The sub should have the rear port ring in place but does not need the rods or rear dome installed.
  2. Launch the calibration instrument from engine room by clicking on the magnet icon.
  3. Slowly rotate the sub in each axis one full rotation so that the sub ends up going upside down and all the way back to right side up in each of the 3 axes. The order doesn't matter and it doesn't matter if you accidentally do a rotation more than once. Roll = left over right, Pitch = end over end, and Yaw = rotating horizontally left or right.
  4. Press the "Ok Mag Cal" button. The ROV will now use a new calibration based on the collected data.
  5. At this point you can check the displayed magnetic heading against a magnetic compass.
  6. If the calibration does not match the magnetic compass, click "Clear" to clear all data and start the rotation sequence again.
  7. Press the "SAVE" button to store the data on the ROV and in the node.

Version: 1.07.00