Control Bar
The Control Bar can be used to launch help and integrated applications, control various settings and close VideoRay Cockpit.
The control bar is displayed at the bottom of the primary monitor. It contains a series of buttons. Moving from right to left, the buttons are as follows:
- Close VideoRay Cockpit
- Open Help
- Open the Service Bay
- Open the VideoRay Data Folder
- Open the Engine Room
- Open the User Settings
- Launch KCF Smart Tether Software
- Launch BlueView ProViewer Software
- Launch Tritech Micron Software
- Set Instruments Opaque
- Set Instruments Transparent
- Set Instruments Off
Each of these controls will be described in the following sections.
The version number of the software is displayed in the lower left of the control bar. Only the primary version number is displayed. Hover your mouse over the version number for the full version and build number.