Pro 4 Ultra
Pro 4 Ultra, Pro 4 Ultra

Lock/Unlock Instruments Sizes and Locations

The Pro 4 Ultra Instruments are Locked by default and cannot be moved or resized.

    Lock Instruments Sizes and Locations
    Unlock Instruments Sizes and Locations

The button displays the current state of the Lock/Unlock Setting. If the button shows the lock icon, the instruments are locked and clicking on the Lock/Unlock Instruments Sizes and Locations will unlock the instruments.

The sizes and locations of instruments can be locked so that you don't accidentally resize or move them. If the Lock Instruments Sizes and Locations button shows the lock icon, the instruments sizes and locations will be locked. If the Lock Instruments Sizes and Locations button shows the unlock icon, the instruments can be resized and moved.

The lock or unlock state applies to all instruments, but does not affect the visibility settings of the instruments.

See the Instruments section for more information about resizing and moving instruments.

Document Path: Pro 4 Ultra Operator's Manual > VideoRay Cockpit Guide > Control Bar > Instruments Display > Lock/Unlock Instruments