Device Configuration
Note that in most cases the factory will configure the PAM for accessory use, and users will not need to follow these steps to configure their devices. If you do need to configure your device yourself, please continue.
The baud rate and the choice of RS-485 or RS-232 can be configured using the vrDeviceConfiguration tool. These settings are stored in EEPROM on the PAM. Before beginning, make sure no other devices are connected to the ROV, and only attempt to configure one PAM at a time.
- Connect the PAM to the ROV and power on everything, but do not start VideoRay Cockpit.
- In the VideoRay Cockpit program directory there will be a file named vrDeviceConfiguration.exe. Double click it. (The default cockpit installation directory is C:\Program Files(x86)\VideoRay\vrCockpit\)
- The Device Configuration utility will open. Once you have verified the PAM is receiving power, click the "?" button to enumerate the PAM.
- The default setting for the PAM is a generic protocol adapter which should not be changed. Click the "ID" button to identify the PAM as such.
- To set the PAM to be RS-485 capable, click the dropdown menu next to "Device RS485" and select "Yes". If you are using RS-232, leave this setting at "No".
- To set the Device Baud, click the dropdown menu next to "Device Baud" and click the setting your device uses.
- Press the Save Button to create and save the Accessory Device configuration file that VideoRay Cockpit requires in order to recognize your device.
- Click the download button to store the settings on teh PAM's EEPROM.