Manipulator / Cutter

The Manipulator buttons open or close the manipulator (or the cutter).

Button Locations and Labels

    Manipulator Open    
    Manipulator Close    


Press and hold the Manipulator Open button to open the manipulator jaws. Release the button when the jaws have opened to the desired setting or have reached the end of their range.

Press and hold the Manipulator Close button to close the manipulator jaws. Release the button when the jaws have closed to the desired setting or have reached the end of their range.

You should not continue to hold either manipulator button when the jaws have reached the end of their range, but you can momentarily press the close button a few times to tighten the grip after the jaws have secured an object.

The manipulator and Cutter are optional and may not be included in all configurations.

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Manipulator Operator's Manual, Version: Version: 1.00.00
Copyright © 2015, VideoRay LLC - The Global Leader in Micro-ROV Technology