Example Thruster Control Code (Python)The following code can be used to control the thruster and display the response information. All M5 software, including this sample code, is distributed via the VideoRay FTP server (http://ftp.videoray.com/) using the following credentials:
import serial import struct import sys import operator import argparse import binascii import time #VRCSR protocol defines SYNC_REQUEST = 0x5FF5 SYNC_RESPONSE = 0x0FF0 PROTOCOL_VRCSR_HEADER_SIZE = 6 PROTOCOL_VRCSR_XSUM_SIZE = 4 #CSR Address for sending an application specific custom command ADDR_CUSTOM_COMMAND = 0xF0 #The command to send. #The Propulsion command has a payload format of: # 0xAA R_ID THRUST_0 THRUST_1 THRUST_2 ... THRUST_N # Where: # 0xAA is the command byte # R_ID is the NODE ID of the thruster to respond with data # THRUST_X is the thruster power value (-1 to 1) for the thruster with motor id X PROPULSION_COMMAND = 0xAA #flag for the standard thruster response which contains RESPONSE_THRUSTER_STANDARD = 0x2 #standard response is the device type followed by 4 32-bit floats and 1 byte RESPONSE_THRUSTER_STANDARD_LENGTH = 1 + 4 * 4 + 1 #The proppulsion command packets are typically sent as a multicast to a group ID #defined for thrusters THRUSTER_GROUP_ID = 0x81 def main(): #Parse command line arguments for portname, node id, motor id, and thrust values parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--com', help='Comm port to use.', default = 'COM2', dest='portname') parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', help="Node id for the request packet. The default is the thruster group ID.", default = THRUSTER_GROUP_ID, dest='node_id') parser.add_argument('-m', '--motor', help="Motor NODE ID from which to get a response.", default = 0, dest='motor_id') parser.add_argument('thrust', metavar='N', type=float, nargs='*', help='list of thrust settings, in order of motor id. These are power settings and should be in the -1 to 1 range.' ) args = parser.parse_args() #default to 0 thrust for motor 0 if no thrust parameters are passed in if (len(args.thrust) == 0): thrust = [0.0] else: thrust = args.thrust #open the serial port try: port = serial.Serial(args.portname,115200) port.timeout = 1 port.flushInput(); except IOError: print ("Error: Could not open serial port: " + args.portname) sys.exit() #Create the custom command packet for setting the power level to a group of thrusters #generate the header flag = RESPONSE_THRUSTER_STANDARD CSR_address = ADDR_CUSTOM_COMMAND length = 2 + len(thrust) * 4 header = bytearray(struct.pack('HBBBB',SYNC_REQUEST,int(args.node_id), flag,CSR_address,length)) header_checksum = bytearray(struct.pack('i', binascii.crc32(header))) #generate the paylaod, limiting the thrust to reasonable values payload = bytearray(struct.pack('BB', PROPULSION_COMMAND, int(args.motor_id))) for t in thrust: t = max(t,-1) t = min(t, 1) payload += bytearray(struct.pack('f',t)) payload_checksum = bytearray(struct.pack('i', binascii.crc32(payload))) #send the packet and wait for a response packet = header + header_checksum + payload + payload_checksum #uncomment to dump the request payload #print (":".join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in packet)) write_time = time.time() #put the packet on the wire port.write(bytes(packet)) #get the response expected_response_length = PROTOCOL_VRCSR_HEADER_SIZE + PROTOCOL_VRCSR_XSUM_SIZE + RESPONSE_THRUSTER_STANDARD_LENGTH + PROTOCOL_VRCSR_XSUM_SIZE response_buf = port.read(expected_response_length) print ("Got response: %d bytes" % len(response_buf)) print ("Turnaround time: %f mS" % ((time.time()-write_time) * 1000)) #parse the response response = struct.unpack('=HBBBB I BffffB I', response_buf) #uncomment to dump the response buffer #print (":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in response_buf)) #header data sync = response[0] response_node_id = response[1] flag = response[2] CSR_address = response[3] length = response[4] header_checksum = response[5] #response device type device_type = response[6]; #custom response data payload rpm = response[7] bus_v = response[8] bus_i = response[9] temp = response[10] fault = response[11] payload_checksum = response[12] print ("\nResponse:") print ("\tSync:\t\t0x%04x" % sync) print ("\tId:\t\t%d" % response_node_id) print ("\tFlag:\t\t0x%x" % flag) print ("\tAddress:\t0x%x" % CSR_address) print ("\tLength:\t\t0x%x" % length) print ("\t\tChecksum: 0x%x" % header_checksum) print ("\n\tDevice Type:\t\t0x%x" % device_type) print ("\tRPM:\t\t\t%f" % rpm) print ("\tBus Voltage (V):\t%f" % bus_v) print ("\tBus Current (A):\t%f" % bus_i) print ("\tTemp (C):\t\t%f" % temp) print ("\tFault:\t\t\t0x%x" % fault) print ("\t\tChecksum: 0x%x" % payload_checksum) if __name__ == "__main__": main(); |
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