Greensea Import/Export
How to Guide, 1.00.00

Section 16

Export Recorded Data to .csv

You can export recorded data from a Greensea recording (telemetry file of type.gssbin) using the Export feature found in the Logging tab under the map view." Data is exported in Channels. Each Channel contains several related Data Items.

To export data from a recording, click on the "Choose Log File" button and select the desired .gssbin file. A list of channels will be presented above the button. Select the desired channel or channels, To select more than one channel, hold the shift key while clicking to select a range, or hold the CTRL key while clicking to select additional channels individually. After selecting the desired channels, click on the "Convert to CSV" button. The exported channels will be saved in separate .csv files using the channel name in the logging location, which is "gss_logs," unless the default was redefined by a user.

.csv files can be viewed in a text editor or spreadsheet program.

To determine which channels to export, you can use the Channel List Tool to see what data items are in each channel, or find out which channels contain a specific data item (data items may reside in more than one channel).

Data is recorded from Workspace at approximately 10 HZ and can result in large exported files. See the section about thinning data files.

for Real Time Export, see the Real Time Export section.

Document Path: Greensea Import/Export How to Guide > Export GSS to .csv