Equipment Guide

Articulating Manipulator Body

The Articulating Manipulator body houses the motor and electronics. The actuator drives the opening and closing and rotation of the attached jaw.

Articulating Manipulator Body

Counter Balance Weight

The Counter Balance Weight is used to provide stability to the ROV in water. The Counter Balance Weight remains below the water level to counteract the effects of weight on the ROV.

Counter Balance Weight

Articulating Manipulator Jaws

Five interchangeable jaws offer different capabilities of operation for the Articulating Manipulator. For more information about each jaw, see the Interchangeable Jaws page.

Articulating Manipulator Jaws

VideoRay Center Float

The VideoRay Center Float is used to provide buoyancy for the Articulating Manipulator when it is attached to the ROV without a BlueView sonar.

VideoRay Center Float

Counterbalance Weight

The Counterbalance Weight is used to adjust the pitch trim of the system when the Articulating Manipulator is attached to the ROV without a BlueView sonar.

BlueView Center Float

Blueview Center Float

The BlueView Center Float is used to provide buoyancy for the Articulating Manipulator when it is attached to the ROV with a BlueView sonar.

BlueView Center Float

The Counterbalance Weight should not be used when the Articulating Manipulator is being used with a BlueView sonar. When the Articulating Manipulator and BlueView sonar are used together, there is no flotation capacity for any other accessories.

Articulating Manipulator Skid

Articulating Manipulator Skid is used to attach the Articulating Manipulator to the Pro 4 ROV.

Skid Plate

The Articulating Manipulator skid has additional mounting holes that are not included in the standard Pro 4 skid.

Additional Equipment

Additional equipment provided with the Articulating Manipulator includes mounting screws and tool kit, and software.

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Articulating Manipulator
Operator's Manual, Version: 1.00.00
Copyright © 2015, VideoRay LLC - The Global Leader in Micro-ROV Technology