How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Lesson Navigation

Welcome! We’re going to use this tool to teach you how to use this tool. The central area within the green border is the visual content block. This block will contain an image or a video. You can move to the next page by clicking on this visual content block. Try it now – Click on this visual content block...

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Title and Icons

Good job! Glad to see you found your way here. In the upper left you will find 3 icon buttons and the title of this lesson.

  • The top Home icon [ ] takes you to the VideoRay Training Library.
  • The middle Printer icon [ ] displays this lesson formatted for printing.
  • The bottom Download icon [ ] allows you to download a ZIP file of this lesson for installation on your computer.

Click on the visual content block to continue...

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Additional Icons

In the upper right, you will find 3 more Icon Buttons. These are:

  • The top Help Icon [ ] provides a list of Helpful Resources.
  • The middle Search Icon [ ] allows you to Search for content.
  • The bottom Operator Manuals Icon [ ] displays the Mission Specialist compilation of Operator Manuals.

Click on this visual content block to continue...

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Previous / Next Pages

Now let’s look at some additional page navigation controls. Below this block on the left is the previous page button [ ]. You can click on the previous page button to revisit the previous page. Below this block on the right is the next page button [ ]. You can click on the next page button to visit the next page. When you hover your mouse over these buttons, the name of the previous or next page is displayed. Click on the next page button below to continue...

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Keyboard Navigation

The keyboard combinations Alt-P and Alt-N can also be used to navigate through the lesson. Alt-P will take you to the Previous page and Alt-N will take you to the Next page. Press Alt-N on keyboard to continue to the next page.

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Page ID and Selection

One more page navigation feature is the page identifier and page selection list in the upper right of this page. The page identifier tells you what page you are on and how many pages are in the lesson. You can select and navigate directly to any page using the page selection list. Use one of the methods you have learned to continue to the next page...

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Automatically Turn the Pages

The final page navigation feature is Automatic Page Turning.

In the upper right, next to the page selection list is the Automatic Page Turning icon button. Click this button and the system will turn the pages for you at the end of each audio or video track. You can stop the Automatic Page Tuning at any time be either clicking on the Stop Automatic Page Turning icon button, or by using any of the manual page navigation controls.

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Hot Spot Links

Some pages may include Hot Spots that link to other resources. These Hot Spots will be highlighted by a colored hand. .

If you hover your mouse over the hand, a description of the linked resource will pop up. Clicking on the colored hand will open the resource in a new window rather than take you to the next page. Clicking anywhere else on the page will take you to the next page as usual.

Two examples are included on this page. Try each one and then use one of the methods you have learned to continue to the next page...

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Cross Reference Links

Some pages may include Cross Reference Links to additional information related to the contents of the page.

If a page includes one or more of these links, a Cross Reference Selection List will be presented under the Page Selection List.

This page has a sample Cross Reference Link to the VideoRay Training Library.

Selecting a Cross Reference Link will open it in a new window, so you don’t lose your place in the current lesson.

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Audio / Video Block

Centered below this block is the audio control block. You can pause and play the audio or drag the slider to any time. You can also increase or decrease the Volume. If this visual content block includes a video, the video controls will be within this visual content block. The video controls will pop up at the bottom of the video when you hover your mouse over the it. Use one of the methods you have learned to continue to the next page...

How to Use these Lessons
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Narration Block

At the very bottom of the page is the narration block. This narration text is the same as the audio track. If the narration is long, the block will have a scroll bar, or you can open the narration in a new window, but clicking on the Open in a New Window icon [ ] at the start of the narration text. Use one of the methods you have learned to continue to the next page...