Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

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Quick Start Instructions

These Quick Start Instructions serve two purposes.

First, for the new user, they provide a guided tour, focusing on what you need to know about how to set up the system. It is the quickest way for a new user to get operational, and do it with some assurance they will not damage anything or hurt anyone.

For experienced operators, it serves as a checklist to ensure consistent application of best practices on every dive.

While this 8 step Quick Start guide is complete for its purposes, there are many more aspects of the system to learn, such as piloting skills, operating sensors and tooling, data collection and analysis, routine maintenance and field repair, and the list goes on. Some of these additional topics are available here in this library as Virtual Training Lessons, and all of the topics are available in the Operator Manuals.

And, VideoRay's Support Team is always available to assist should you need us.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 2 of 17
General Precautions

Before we begin, there are a few precautions about which you should be aware.

  • Do not connect or disconnect cables while the system is powered on.
  • All ROV submerged connections must be lubricated.
  • All ROV submerged connections and ports must be sealed.
  • Follow these steps in the order presented.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 3 of 17
Confirm Readiness

Readiness actually begins long before you arrive on site. Experienced operators complete mission planning and logistics preparation before departing for the site to ensure that things go smoothly from when they arrive until the job is done.

  • Are all staff present?
  • Are the roles clearly defined and understood by all participants?
  • Is it safe to operate at the site, or have all hazards and risks been identified and communicated to all participants?
  • Is all of the ROV system equipment present?
  • Is all of the site logistics equipment present?
  • Is a power source available, and working?
  • Is the mission plan clearly defined and understood by all participants?

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 4 of 17
Visual Inspection

After unpacking the equipment, you should conduct a visual inspection to make sure the system is ready for use.

  • Examine the ROV, Tether and Operator Control Console for loose or damaged parts.
  • Remove the four screws that hold the float block and make sure all connections are secure and all ports are sealed. Replace the float block when done.
  • Check the thrusters for fouling or broken blades and that they are free to turn.
  • Check the thruster telltales for signs of oil loss. the telltales should protrude from the thruster housing about 6 - 7 mm (1/4 inch). If the telltale is flush with the thruster housing, the thruster should be replaced.
  • Check the camera for signs of moisture inside.
  • Release and extend the manipulator. It is held by a thumbscrew on each side near the back of the manipulator.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 5 of 17
Make the Connections

Start making the connections at the ROV and work your way towards the power source. Here is a summary, but we will look at some of these connections in more detail.

  • Install and connect any ROV accessories, such as a USBL or other devices.
  • Connect the ROV to the Tether and connect the ROV strain relief.
  • If using more than one tether, connect each tether and tether to tether strain relief.
  • Connect the tether to OCC (Operator Control Console). This connection is usually connected without a strain relief.
  • There are several connections to be made within the OCC, including the keyboard and hand controller at a minimum.
  • Finally, connect the OCC to the GFCI and power source.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 6 of 17
ROV to Tether Connection

Let's take a closer look at some of these connections, starting with the ROV to tether connection. Tether connectors have one offset pin.

  1. Make sure the tether connections are lubricated. The system includes lubrication in the tools/spares kit.
  2. Align the pins and insert the male ROV whip connector to the female tether connector until the faces mate. Secure the connection with the locking collar.
  3. Insert the strain relief eye socket into the hole in the frame and secure it with the captive retaining screw.
  4. Make sure the connection is secure and that all of the load is carried by the strain relief and there is no load on the tether connection.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 7 of 17
Tether to Tether Connection

When using multiple tethers, each connection should be secured with a strain relief. The strain relief consists of a braided cord with end loops and two carabiners. Connect the tether and strain relief and shown here and make sure the load is carried by the strain relief and not the connector.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 8 of 17
Operator Control Console

Several connections need to be made within the OCC. These are shown here, including the:

  • Keyboard with Mouse
  • Hand Controller
  • Topside GPS (optional)
  • USBL including the USB and power cables (optional)

Finish by connecting the power cord to the OCC and then the GFCI / power supply. If the power source includes a GFCI, you do not need to use the inline GFCI provided with the system.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 9 of 17
Power On the System

It is generally a good idea to notify anyone near the system that you are about to power it on. When it is clear and you are ready,

  • Test and reset the GFCI.
  • Turn on the OCC using the toggle switch.
  • Turn on the ROV power by rotating the emergency stop switch. The switch will pop up.
  • Test and reset the LIM (Line Insulation Monitor) using the "T" and "R" buttons. The LIM is similar to the GFCI, and is a safeguard for the DC power in the tether.
  • Check the LIM status. It should read: “> 4 M Ohm” If it is less than 4 M Ohm, lubricate and reset all of the tether connections and check again. If it still reads less than 4 M Ohm, the system should be checked before continuing.
  • Verify that the ROV is powered one by checking the status LEDs. These can be found on the power and communications modules on the starboard and port sides respectively or on the back of the LED lights.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 10 of 17
Functions Test

Launch the control software.

  • Make sure persons and objects are clear of the thrusters.
  • Start the control software by double clicking on the control software icon on the desktop.
  • Check the thruster function by exercising each motion control and verifying the correct thruster response.
  • Check the camera image, tilt and focus.
  • Verify that the heading, depth and attitude are all reporting values that are expected.
  • Check the sensors and tooling, including the sonar and manipulator.

At this point, if you have not already done so during your mission planning, you may want to set up the video overlay text and load a map.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 11 of 17
Launch the Vehicle

Prior to launching the vehicle, make sure the Pilot and Tether Handler are coordinated.

The Tether Handler is responsible for the vehicle at this point.

Extend the ROV GPS mast if georeferenced navigation is required.

Deploy the vehicle and check the ballast and adjust it if necessary. The vehicle should be ballasted so that it is as close to neutral as possible. Slight positive buoyancy is preferred so that if the vehicle is separated from the tether, it will float to the surface.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 12 of 17
Stabilize the Vehicle

The Tether Handler should confirm that the Pilot is ready to assume control before releasing the vehicle.

The Pilot should use manual control or turn on the Autos and Dynamic Positioning.

The Pilot is responsible for the vehicle at this point.

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 13 of 17
Initialize the Navigation System

Not all missions will require georeferenced navigation. If the mission does not require georeferenced navigation, you may still want to set the compass declination in step 3 below, but can skip steps 1, 2 and 4.

If the operation requires georeferenced navigation, the navigation system should be initialized.

  1. Verify geolocation data from either the ROV GPS or Topside GPS.
  2. Geolocate the vehicle using one of the following methods.
    • Click the Reset to GPS button.
    • Key-in coordinates or use the Get Topside button and then click the Update Vehicle Position button.
    • Rick click on the location of the ROV on the map and select Set Position from the map right-click pop up menu.
    • Use the sonar image as a reference and select Set Position from the map right-click pop up menu until an object in the sonar image, such as the shoreline or pilings lines up with the map.
  3. Once you have established the location, set the Declination.
    • You can use the Auto Declinate button,
    • or Key-in the declination and click on the Update Vehicle button.
  4. Verify USBL operation, if installed

Make sure all of the items in this step are completed successfully or addressed and remedied before moving on to the next step.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 14 of 17
Operational Readiness

If all steps have been completed successfully, the system is ready for operations.

We have a few tips to offer on the next page.

Mission Specialist Defender
Quick Start Instructions
Version:  A-1.00.00

Page 15 of 17
Parting Tips

These are just a few tips to help you get started. There are many more tips that will be offered in the appropriate context during additional lessons.

  • Start in calm, clear water – a pool is ideal.
  • Practice to develop good piloting skills before attempting difficult operations in challenging conditions.
  • Even with the autonomous features, your piloting skills may be required in some situations, particularly if your tether is snagged.
  • Don’t forget to record and take numerous screenshots!