Wide Area Search (WAS)
Wide Area Search (WAS), Wide Area Search (WAS)

 2.4.4  Evaluate Sensor Data for the Objectives

If you see something of interest or need to take a closer look at a target during the mission, you have various controls at your disposal. Use these controls to observe targets of interest in more detail, up close or for longer periods of time.

Desired ResultAction Required
To stop the vehicle and hold position...Displace the joystick.
To turn the heading while maintaining course on the transect...Rotate the joystick to change the heading.
To change the speed...Use the Turtle / Rabbit slider.
To change the altitude...Use the depth control knob.

If you exercise any of the last three actions, this will disable the waypoint lock for that action. If you want to return to locked operations after you complete your investigation of a target, you will need to reactivate the lock by clicking on it.

Do not be afraid to take a lot of snapshots. They can be valuable for post process analysis and they can create a time-stamped index to the video footage if you have the date and time visible on the video overlay.

If you need to make a closer inspection of an object, you can displace the joystick to stop the mission and then use the Orbit feature.

You can use the Hold button to pause the mission when the ROV reaches the next waypoint. This can be helpful if you need to do something non-mission related, i.e. consult with a colleague, take a break, etc.

Looking for targets for long periods of time can be boring and you can lose your mental acuity for the task. It is a good idea to take breaks or rotate assignments to maintain optimal focus.

Document Path: Wide Area Search (WAS) Standard Operating Procedures > Step-by-Step > 2 On-site Operations > 2.4 Conduct the Mission > 2.4.4 Evaluate for Objectives