Wide Area Search (WAS)
Wide Area Search (WAS), Wide Area Search (WAS) |
1.5 Define the Parameters for the Search Each mission will require an analysis of the requirements and determination of the appropriate settings to use during the search to achieve the objectives. The following settings are recommended for a drowning victim search (assuming a 1.8 m (6 ft) person) and are based on the experiences accumulated during a number of successful recoveries. Searches for other size objects or area clearing or mapping may require different settings to optimize the chances for success in those situations.
These settings can be made during the steps that follow for setting the Waypoint Defaults, Placing a Region and Setting the Coverage. The above guidelines are recommended starting points and can be modified as appropriate for the operation. The region size and shape is defined by the user.
For very large search areas, the area can be broken down into smaller overlapping regions. |
Document Path: Wide Area Search (WAS) Standard Operating Procedures > Step-by-Step > 1 Mission Planning > 1.5 Define Search Parameters