Pro 4 SeaTrac USBL

Standard Operating Procedures, 1.00.00

Beacon Configuration

Beacon Configuration consists of the following settings:

  1. X150 Topside Beacon
    1. Setting the Beacon ID
    2. Defining the mounting orientation
    3. Configuring PinPoint software to recognize the beacon
    4. Selecting its display color
    5. Other less common settings, not typically required to be changed
  2. X010 ROV Beacon
    1. Setting the Beacon ID
    2. Configuring PinPoint software to recognize the beacon
    3. Selecting its display color
    4. Other less common settings, not typically required to be change

Beacon IDs apply at two levels:

  1. The hardware stored ID
  2. Configuring PinPoint software to recognize the IDs of beacons in use.

The first item to address is the hardware stored ID. Each Beacon ID must be a unique number from 1 to 15. The Blueprint Subsea default for the X150 Topside Beacon ID is configured as 15 and the X010 ROV Beacon ID is configured as 1. VideoRay default Beacon IDs are 1 for the X150 Topside Beacon and 2 for the X010 ROV Beacon. The number selected for the Beacon ID is generally not critical as long as it is unique and except when used with VideoRay Mission Specialist systems using Greensea Workspace, which must use the VideoRay defaults.

Determining the currently assigned hardware stored Beacon IDs

When power is applied to a beacon, its LED will blink one long flash followed by a number of short flashes equal to the Beacon ID.

Configuring the X150 Topside Beacon in SeaTac Tools

These steps are only required if you want to change the X150 Topside Beacon ID or want to mount it with its cable pointing upward. Additional settings and diagnostic tools are also available. For information about these, see the SeaTrac manuals.

  1. Power on the computer.
  2. Connect the X150 Topside Beacon to the X150 Topside Beacon Cable
  3. Connect the X150 Topside Beacon Cable to the Computer Interface / Power Cable.
  4. Connect the Computer Interface / Power Cable to the power supply.
  5. Plug the USBL power supply into a power source.
  6. Connect the X150 Topside Beacon USB into the desired USB port.
  7. Determine the COM port assigned to the Beacon using Device Manager.
  8. Start SeaTrac Tools.
  9. If the SeaTrac Tools COM port does not match the currently assigned COM port, dismiss the error and select the correct COM port in the lower left of the SeaTrac Tools window and click on the Open button.
  10. Once connected, select the Settings tab.
  11. The SeaTrac Tools window may not open large enough to see all settings on a tab. If you don't see a setting, expand the window to expose it.
  12. Select the Transceiver sub-tab and enter the desired Beacon ID.
  13. If you plan to mount the USBL Topside Beacon with its cable connection pointing upward (which is typical), select the Beacon sub-tab and make sure the "Inverted" checkbox is checked.
  14. Click on the Apply button in the lower right of the window.
  15. Close SeaTrac Tools.

Configuring the USBL ROV Beacon in SeaTrac Tools

These steps are only required if you want to change the X010 ROV Beacon ID. Additional settings and diagnostic tools are also available. For information about these, see the SeaTrac manuals.

  1. Connect the X010 ROV Beacon to the X010 ROV Beacon Cable
  2. Connect the X010 ROV Beacon Cable to the Computer Interface / Power Cable.
  3. Connect the Computer Interface / Power Cable to the power supply.
  4. Plug the USBL power supply into a power source.
  5. Connect the X010 ROV Beacon USB into the desired USB port.
  6. Determine the COM port assigned to the Beacon. This should be the same as the COM port of the Topside Beacon - the COM port assignment actually applies to the serial device interface built into the USB connector.
  7. Start SeaTrac Tools.
  8. If the SeaTrac Tools COM port does not match the currently assigned COM port, dismiss the error and select the correct COM port in the lower left of the SeaTrac Tools window and click on the Open button.
  9. Once connected, select the Settings tab.
  10. Select the Transceiver sub-tab and enter the desired Beacon ID.
  11. Click on the Apply button in the lower right of the window.
  12. Close SeaTrac Tools.

Configuring the Beacons in PinPoint

These steps are only required if you want to confirm or change PinPoint's configuration for Beacon IDs or change any other Beacon settings.

  1. Power on the computer.
  2. Connect the X150 Topside Beacon to the X150 Topside Beacon Cable
  3. Connect the X150 Topside Beacon Cable to the Computer Interface / Power Cable.
  4. Connect the Computer Interface / Power Cable to the power supply.
  5. Plug the USBL power supply into a power source.
  6. Connect the X150 Topside Beacon USB into the desired USB port.
  7. Start SeaTrac Pinpoint.
  8. Open the Settings using Gear icon in lower left.
  9. Click on the Beacon icon button.
  10. Double click on the X150 Topside Beacon.
  11. Select the assigned X150 Topside Beacon ID.
  12. Select the desired display color.
  13. Make any other desired changes.
  14. Click on the Check mark at the bottom to apply and save the settings.
  15. Double click the X010 ROV Beacon (the Beacon does not need to be connected to the ROV or even powered on).
  16. Select the assigned X010 ROV Beacon ID.
  17. Select the desired display color.
  18. Make any other desired changes.
  19. Click on the check mark at the bottom to apply and save the settings.
  20. Close PinPoint.

Document Path: Pro 4 SeaTrac USBL
Standard Operating Procedures > Appendices > Beacon Configuration