Pier Pilings Inspection (PPI)
Pier Pilings Inspection (PPI), Pier Pilings Inspection (PPI)

Section 26

 2.4  Conduct the Inspection

After you have launched and stabilized the vehicle, there are several settings that you should double-check before immediately starting the mission. These steps ensure that you have enabled recording, the system is ready to go, and your settings are appropriate now that you are on-site and can assess the actual conditions.

The following items should be double-checked to ensure they are set or in the case of DVL Lock, that it is active.

  • Recording is On
  • Auto heading, altitude, pitch and roll should be On
  • Dynamic Positioning should be On
  • Waypoint locks should be set as desired
  • DVL Lock is required

Document Path: Pier Pilings Inspection (PPI) Standard Operating Procedures > PPI Step-by-Step > 2 On-site Operations > 2.4 Conduct the Inspection