Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

Pressure Sensor Kit Replacement Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 5 Minutes

Tools required for this step:

Parts involved in this step:

VR-PRO4-15-0001 Pressure Sensor Kit

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1PS-001-ASSM-P4Pressure Sensor Assembly (Pro 4)
1OR-112O-Ring #112
1PSL-001Pressure Sensor Part Spacer Lower (Inner)
1OR-114O-Ring #114
1PSU-001Pressure Sensor Part Spacer Upper (Outer)
15530K38Nut 1/4" NPT x 3/4" Locknut PTFE


  1. Clean the area around the opening for the pressure sensor on the inside and outside of the main hull. Spread a thin layer of Tef-Gel to completely cover the area under the upper spacer on the outside of the main hull.

  2. Lubricate and install the #112 O-ring over the pressure sensor.

  3. Place the lower pressure sensor spacer in position over the pressure sensor, with the curved surface away from the pressure sensor.

  4. Lubricate and install the #114 O-ring in the groove on the top side of the lower pressure sensor spacer.

  5. Replace the pressure sensor and lower pressure sensor spacer from the inside of the main hull through the pressure sensor hole in the hull.

  6. Replace the upper pressure sensor spacer over the pressure sensor stud, with the curved surface towards the hull.

  7. Orient the pressure sensor so that the connectors in its ribbon cable are facing toward the rear of the ROV.

  8. Make sure the upper and lower pressure sensor spacers are oriented so the curved surface of each aligns with the curvature of the main hull.

  9. Replace the pressure sensor nut in position over the pressure sensor stud and tighten the nut to 26 inch-pounds (2.5 Nm). Use your hand to hold the pressure sensor housing inside the main hull to prevent it from rotating. Do not use any tools to hold the pressure sensor housing.

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Product Update

The pressure sensor has been updated to eliminate a need for a ground to the hull. New pressure sensors have a white housing. If replacing a black housing pressure sensor with a white housing pressure sensor, it is important to remove or cut the green/yellow ground wire connected to the termination block.

Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Pressure Sensor > Replacement Procedures > 1 - Pressure Sensor