Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

Vertical Thruster Kit Replacement Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 5 Minutes

Tools required for this step:

Parts involved in this step:

VR-PRO4-02-KIT Vertical Thruster Kit

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1VR-PRO4-02-0001Thruster Assembly Vertical Drive Train Brushless (Pro 4)
1VTH-001-GYThruster Part Vertical Cone (Pro 4)
1VTH-003-GYThruster Part Vertical Cone Spacer (Pro 4)
1OR-020O-Ring #020
1OR-118O-Ring #118


  1. Apply Tef-Gel to the main hull in the area where the vertical thruster cone spacer will contact the hull. Do NOT get Tef-Gel too close to the hole.

  2. Install the vertical thruster drive train from the inside of the main hull with the motor wires toward the front of the ROV and the thruster shaft through the vertical thruster hole in the main hull.

  3. Lubricate and install the #118 O-ring in the vertical thruster spacer.

  4. Replace the vertical thruster spacer over the vertical thruster drive train, with the curved surface towards the hull.

  5. Lubricate and install the #020 O-ring in the vertical thruster dome nut.

  6. Make sure the vertical thruster drive train and spacer are aligned concentrically with the vertical thruster hole in the hull.

  7. Replace the vertical thruster dome nut over the vertical thruster drive train and tighten the nut to 70 inch-pounds (7.9 Nm).

  8. Connect the wires from the vertical motor assembly to the corresponding wires of the ROV wire harness.

  9. Secure the wires to vertical thruster motor assembly using the cable tie.

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Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Vertical Motor Mount > Replacement Procedures > 2 - Vertical Thruster Kit