Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

Skid Kit Replacement Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 5 Minutes

Tools required for this step:

Parts involved in this step:

SK-PRO4-KIT Skid Kit

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1VR-PRO4-07-0001Skid Assembly
491772A151Screw #6-32 x 3/4" Pan Head Phillips SS
4561-06012Washer #6 Insulating Nylon
48BW-001-4Ballast Weight Part Rod (Pro 4)
191772A192Screw #8-32 x 3/8" Pan Head Phillips SS
198370A011Washer #8 x 0.075" Flat SS


  1. Remove any accessories that are mounted on the float block.

  2. Turn the ROV upside down and rest it on its float block.

  3. Orient the skid on the bottom of the ROV so that the ballast pod hinges are at the rear of the ROV and the ballast pods open away from the ROV. The thruster support struts should be facing toward the ROV and closer to the front of the ROV.

  4. Place the skid in position on the bottom of the ROV and align the holes in the dome retaining rings with the holes in the front and back of the skid.

  5. Make sure the plastic inserts are installed in the dome retaining rings.

  6. Replace the two #6-32 X 3/4 inch Phillips head skid screws at the front of the skid. Do not tighten the screws all of the way.

  7. Replace the two #6-32 X 3/4 inch Phillips head skid screws at the rear of the skid. Tighten the screws so that they are snug, but do NOT over tighten them.

  8. Tighten the front skid screws so that they are snug, but do NOT over tighten them.

  9. Install the #8-32 X 3/8 inch screw and washer into the loop in the strain relief cable and screw it to the center hole near the rear of skid.

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It may be easier to replace the skid by first replacing the float block temporarily and setting the ROV upside down on the float block so that it sits level.

Alternately, you can set the ROV on it's thruster nozzles to replace the front screws and on it's nose to replace the rear screws.

If the ballast pods were removed, they must be replaced so that the holes at the front and rear of the skid plate are closer to the ROV. The pod hinges should be toward the rear and the pods should open away from the ROV. The notches for the thruster support struts should be closer to the front of the skid.

Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Front Hull Ring > Replacement Procedures > 6 - Skid Kit