Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

Front Dome Replacement Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 2 Minutes

Tools required for this step:

Parts involved in this step:

MHU-004(f) Front Dome

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1MHU-004(r)Main Dome
1OR-152O-Ring #152


  1. Use a new lubricated o-ring, or remove and lubricate the existing o-ring, and install it in the o-ring groove of the front hull ring.

  2. Orient the front dome so that the tabs horizontally so that they will not interfere with the main hull rods, skid or float block when these components are installed.

  3. Being careful not to pinch the o-ring, press the front dome onto the front hull ring until is seats against the hull ring.

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The front and rear domes are the same. If the front dome is mildly scratched or marred, you can replace it with the rear dome.

Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Pressure Sensor > Replacement Procedures > 7 - Front Dome