Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4

Horizontal Thruster Bearing Replacement Procedures

Time required for this step: Approximately 2 Minutes (4 Minutes for both sides)

Tools required for this step:

  • None

Parts involved in this step:

GTO-015 Horizontal Thruster Bearing

QuantityPart NumberPart Description
1HT-002-GYThruster Part Horizontal Cone (Pro 4)
1GTO-015Thruster Part Horizontal Bearing (GTO, Deep Blue, Pro 4)
1GTO-013Thruster Part Horizontal Bearing Retainer (GTO, Deep Blue, Pro 4)


Note: The following step-by-step instructions apply to one side. Repeat these steps on both sides if you are replacing both Horizontal Bearings.

  1. Place the bearing in the small end of the thruster cone and press it in enough to allow room for the bearing spacer.

  2. Align the bearing spacer so that the side with the center recess is towards the bearing.

  3. Place the bearing spacer in the small end of the thruster cone.

  4. Press the bearing and spacer into the thruster cone. Make sure the bearing and bearing spacer are seated all of the way into the cone. You may need to use a press to ensure complete insertion. Do not press too hard to crush the bearing or damage the cone.

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Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Horizontal Bearing > Replacement Procedures > 1 - Horizontal Bearing