Pro 4
Pro 4, Pro 4 |
ROV Board Set Replacement ProceduresTime required for this step: Approximately 5 Minutes Tools required for this step:
Parts involved in this step: CB-01-PRO4-SET ROV Board Set
If the video above doesn't play in your browser, click this play icon to try an alternate method: , or click this manual reference icon to view an exploded view TipIf the front dome is in place, make sure the front of the ROV heat sink engages in the receiver on the rear of the front hull ring. If the front dome is removed, there is nothing to secure the ROV Board Set. When assembly is completed the board set is held in place by the receiver brackets in the front and rear hull rings. The wires should hold it in place, but careful not to dislodge the board set while completing the remaining steps of this procedure. |
Document Path: Pro 4 Maintenance Manual > Vertical Motor Mount > Replacement Procedures > 4 - ROV Board Set